Ofactor is a Complete Trust Management Platform.
HR, Executives and Employees Get Everything They Need to Engineer a Culture of Trust.


Human Resources


The first step to a high-trust culture is knowing where to start.
- Suggestions/action items for every trust lever we measure.
- Frequent & real-time pulses to obtain greater clarity from the origanization on specific follow-up questions you want to ask.
- Provides an in-depth dashboard of 8 key trust levers based on the latest neuroscience evidence about trust and high-performance teams and cultures.

Human Resources
All the information and support you need, no hidden costs.
- Unlimited reporting & analytics to pinpoint trust throughout the entire organization.
- User friendly dashboard to generate real-time data about specific departments, units and functions.
- Comparisons to both internal and external benchmarks to identify “pain points” within the organization.
- Comprehensive data on 8 key trust levers that correlate with retention and performance.